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Created by the company and performed in a farcical, slapstick style, The Richest Deadman Alive! is the story of an average middle-class couple that accidentally discovers the road to riches. This hilarious, timely, and fast-paced comedy pokes fun at the universal human foible of Greed, and the extent to which people will exploit each other for cash.  

The Richest Deadman Alive! recently performed at the Armory for the Arts in Santa Fe, NM from September 17 - October 18, 2009.



Created in 1988, toured nationally for 2 years: The Performance Garage, Minneapolis, The Performance Network, Ann Arbor; Colorado College, Colorado Springs; Rennesaler Polytechnic Institute, NY; Bucknell University , PA. The Attic Theater, Detroit; The Artaud Theater, San Francisco; Seven Stages, Atlanta; Proctors II, Schenectedy, NY; Frauenthal Arts Center, Muskegon, MI; St. Marys University, MN; Cedarville Auditorium, MI; University of MI, Marquette; Broome Community College, Binghampton, NY. The Caravan of Dreams, Fort Worth; Henry Ford Community College, Detroit; Virginia Wesleyan University, Norfolk; Bentley College, Boston; Rockhurst College, Kansas City; Texas Christian University. The Wisdom Bridge, Chicago; University of Notre Dame, South Bend; Taylor University, IN. Kohler Arts Center, WI; Stephens College, Columbia, MO; University of Kansas, Coffeyville. 6 week run in 2002 at The Santa Fe Playhouse.


"Virtuoso theater - spectacular!"

"Theater Grottesco crosses the boundaries of the avant-garde with a play so whip-smart, so topical and so fun you’ll be on your knees begging for another good hearty dose and planning your own faked death so you can go back again and again."

"Inspired lunacy and intelligent laughter"

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