THE MOMENT OF YES! is a theatrical event about communication, creating common culture, the many propositions we receive each day, and the humor and humanity of the journey. How might two women and two men, devoid of any shared culture, negotiate the creation of society? Theater Grottesco’s poetic answer is an original devised work utilizing dance, theater, music, and twists on ancient theatrical styles woven together into a unique physical performance; relishing complicity and tracing the cracks along the way that reveal our flaws and ultimately, our shared humanity.
The Moment of YES! was created by Danielle Reddick, veteran of STOMP! and Grottesco’s CONSIDER THIS…; Tara Khozein, a classical singer, Santa Fe native and graduate of the Lecoq School; Apollo Garcia, a circus artist, Santa Fe native and graduate of the Lecoq School; and Eric Kupers, Co-Artistic Director of Oakland’s Dandelion Dancetheater, who was seen in A DREAM INSIDE ANOTHER, Theater Grottesco's 2005 collaboration with choreographer Della Davidson; along with Kent Kirkpatrick and John Flax (co-directors), Elizabeth Wiseman, Kate Kita, Acushla Bastible and Charles Gamble.
"Loved it!" "Great acting – Gorgeous lighting"
"Profound, genius" "Fantastic! Brilliant! Profound."